Did you know that April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month in the UK since 1992?

It’s a time to shine a light on both the triggers and the solutions to our modern stress epidemic. And let’s face it, stress is something many of us grapple with, especially in the workplace.

Now, here’s the thing about stress in the workplace – it’s not always a bad guy!


In fact, a little stress can sometimes be a good thing when it is a burst of adrenaline that helps us meet deadlines, tackle challenges, and push ourselves further!

But when stress starts to hang around like an unwelcome guest at a party, that’s when things can get tricky.

We can all probably remember one time when stress showed up on an unwanted occasion: your heart is racing, your palms are sweaty, and your mind feels like a tangled mess of thoughts. That’s your body’s way of gearing up to fight or flee. But here’s the problem – in today’s world, we’re not often faced with life-or-death situations! So instead of sharpening our focus, chronic stress can actually cloud our judgment and dampen our creativity.

When you’re stressed to the max, how easy is it to concentrate on your work or communicate effectively with your colleagues?


Not very, right? That’s because stress hijacks our brain, diverting blood flow away from areas responsible for rational thinking and problem-solving.

And if left unchecked, prolonged stress can take a toll on our health – physically, mentally, and emotionally. From high blood pressure and weakened immune systems to anxiety and burnout, the effects can be far-reaching and downright debilitating. Our friends from the NeuroMindfulness Institute talk a lot about the neurochemistry and physiology of stress in their NeuroMinduflness Coaching Program.

So, what’s the solution?


Mindfulness practices can help us navigate the choppy waters of stress with grace and resilience. At its core, mindfulness is about being present in the moment, tuning into our thoughts and sensations without judgment.

It’s about taking a step back, breathing deeply, and giving ourselves permission to just be.

And let’s burst a myth: you don’t need fancy equipment or hours of free time to reap the benefits. Even just a few minutes of mindfulness each day can work wonders for our well-being.

In our previous article, we shared a few Simple Mindful Practices to Boost Your Awareness.

So, the next time you witness your team, clients, or colleagues grappling with stress, why not try mindfulness?


Invite them to press the pause button, close their eyes, take a deep breath, and remind themselves that they’re human—stress is part of our physiology as well as our ability to be incredibly strong and resilient.

Sometimes, stress will be what we need to get a performance burst. Sometimes, we’ll realize we need to decompress. Some other times we’ll just need a gentle reminder of our humanity.

Together, let’s make this Stress Awareness Month a time of reflection, growth, and self-care. Because when we take care of ourselves, we’re better equipped to take on whatever challenges come our way – in the workplace and beyond.

Maria, co-founder of The Mindful Facilitator Certification Program

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If you want to learn more about mindfulness and how to facilitate simple mindfulness exercises in your workplace