About The Mindful Facilitator Project

The Mindful Facilitator is a comprehensive educational program crafted for leaders and coaches who are passionate about ushering mindfulness into the lives of others. Our curriculum, rooted in both ancient wisdom and contemporary research, is designed to equip participants with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to effectively facilitate mindfulness sessions.


The Heart and Soul of Our Project


Our mission is to empower leaders and coaches by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to become mindful facilitators who enable and inspire others in their mindfulness-based transformational journeys.


Our vision is to create a world where mindfulness permeates all aspects of society, promoting resilience, emotional agility and well-being. Our comprehensive training is crafted to unleash a ripple effect, providing facilitators with the necessary tools to ignite transformative experiences.


We embrace empowerment, growth and transformation, practical application, adaptability and scientific background as our main values driving us to enable, support, and inspire leaders and coaches to facilitate transformative mindfulness based experiences, and make a meaningful impact on their clients’ lives.


Our Teachers Team 


Liliana comes with an impressive array of qualifications and experiences that make her the perfect guide on this transformative journey. She is a highly qualified MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) teacher, bringing a wealth of expertise in mindfulness practices that have touched the lives of countless individuals.

Not only is Liliana a master NeuroMindfulness practitioner, but she is also an Integrative Health Coach. Her deep understanding of the mind-body connection will undoubtedly enrich our program as we explore the profound impact of mindfulness on overall well-being.

One of Liliana’s unique strengths lies in her proficiency as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner. Through her empathetic approach, she fosters a safe space for self-inquiry and healing, empowering individuals to explore their inner selves with compassion and understanding.

Liliana is also no stranger to guiding transformative retreats. Her experience as an experienced retreat leader allows her to create immersive experiences that lead to profound personal growth and lasting positive changes.


Over the past 8+ years, Maria have had the privilege of working in the corporate environment and founding and leading the Mindfulness Guilds, where her passion for mindfulness and its transformative power truly took shape. Holding a Master of Science in Computer Science, she brings a blend of technical expertise and understanding our neuroscience to the journey together.

In the past few years, she worked as a Senior Agile and Organisational Coach, which has allowed her to witness firsthand the tremendous positive impact mindfulness can have in the professional world.

She is a NeuroMindfulness Master Practitioner, and an ICF ACC Certified Coach, dedicated to empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

Finally, she is also a Certified Yoga Teacher, and her background in yoga brings a profound understanding of the mind-body connection that underpins the essence of mindfulness.

Become a Mindful Facilitator

Multiply Your Impact with Mindfulness. Our curriculum is designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become facilitators who enable and inspire others in their mindfulness-based transformation.